Saturday 25 June 2011

 On the way up Vesuvius Mr.Chriswick doing his impression of a Pro photographer 
 The View from Vesuvius
 Mali and Elinor enjoying a break.
 Flora and Bethany looking like professional hikers with their sticks.(note in the background Ms.Pilling sitting down a rare occurrence as she is usually at the front marching and shouting Andiamo!)
 The girls taking time for a quick pose.
 And the boys taking their turn for a pose.
 A guide explains the history of Vesuvius.
 Finally at the top (where there was a souvenir shop and free espresso for tired teachers).
 Georgina, Annie and Cloe posing with sticks(note the two stick method favoured by two of the girls).
The long way back down

More Pompeii

 Despite being ill for the majority of yesterday(and night) Rachel was still smiling by the end of Pompeii .Just wish I had recorded the other two walking wounded(Bryony and Dion) who showed great determination also by making it around Pompeii. 
 Group photo with Vesuvius in the background.
A dog that got covered in ash along with the rest of the population.


 At the entrance to Pompeii.
( apparently the dust from the Volcano would have covered the tallest trees about  30 feet).
 At the Amphitheatre in Pompeii
 The pupils and staff shuffle down the streets of Pompeii
 An empty street with a small bridge over the guttering.(they were quite clever those Romans)
Some people who were unlucky enough not to escape the blast of the volcano.

Sunday 29 May 2011

It was worth the trip(honest!) the view from our dining room which was breathtaking. When we get back to the uk will upload more when I am safe at home. Pompeii, Vesuvius and Capri next and the pupils will add travel diaries after.Travelling tomorrow so see you all soon.

Well you have heard of Maid in manhattan, sleepless in seattle but now sickness in sorrento.35 pupils , 4 teachers 1 LSA and one nasty virus!!!!
The pupils were healthy when we left Rome but a virus which induced mainly sickness took hold after the journey started(Just to reassure you blog followers all pupils have made a full recovery now. ) First to fall ill were Ms Pilling and Mrs.Rimmington .Mrs.Davies and Mr.Goudge were chief medical officers. The pupils have been truly amazing and we are all very proud of them.The healthy pupils have done an exceptional job of looking after their mates and the ill pupils have shown a will and determination to rival most Marathon runners. Mr Chriswick spent a night sleeping on the cold hard floor outside some of the most ill pupils room and Mrs. Davies and Mr. Goudge spent most of the night with Mr.Chriswick cleaning up the triage that was the hotel corridor. We have had some eruptions on vesuvius but it all seems to have calmed down now.

Outside the forum and the kids enjoyed an ice cream and so did Mrs.Rimmington

The forum, Jordan listening carefully and some of the pupils enjoying the sites.